Introduction and Feedback

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Introduction and Feedback

Postby STFilmmaker » Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:26 am

Hello my name is STFilmmaker host of the blog Could It Exist In Real Life? Or CIEIR for short.

First of all I would like to thank you for welcoming me to the forum. Second of all I would like to say, that I love your music very much. What got my attention was a music track from a couple videos posted by a fellow youtuber named Dash Malone. this one being a prime example. Since then I been unable to get the song out of my head, I just had do find it. Upon finding the name and the musician I came to this site and downloaded it so I could listen to it whenever I was on walks. For some reason it it's like the perfect song for moving in general. It even inspires me to do sudden sprinting which I never had the guts to do before as I exhaust easily. Because I liked it so much I wanted to see what other songs there was and decided to use them in my recent intro video which after posting this I will post in the appropriate section. I of course beforehand used that permission license document, credited it and even posted the specific links to the songs so people would know what was behind those amazing works.

Anywho I just wanted to say, you are a great composer and hope to hear more in the near future.

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Re: Introduction and Feedback

Postby TeknoAXE » Mon Dec 01, 2014 1:55 pm

STFilmmaker wrote:Hello my name is STFilmmaker host of the blog Could It Exist In Real Life? Or CIEIR for short.

First of all I would like to thank you for welcoming me to the forum. Second of all I would like to say, that I love your music very much. What got my attention was a music track from a couple videos posted by a fellow youtuber named Dash Malone. this one being a prime example. Since then I been unable to get the song out of my head, I just had do find it. Upon finding the name and the musician I came to this site and downloaded it so I could listen to it whenever I was on walks. For some reason it it's like the perfect song for moving in general. It even inspires me to do sudden sprinting which I never had the guts to do before as I exhaust easily. Because I liked it so much I wanted to see what other songs there was and decided to use them in my recent intro video which after posting this I will post in the appropriate section. I of course beforehand used that permission license document, credited it and even posted the specific links to the songs so people would know what was behind those amazing works.

Anywho I just wanted to say, you are a great composer and hope to hear more in the near future.

Sorry for the delayed response. It's been super-busy this year, but I just wanted to thank you for the great message! I will continue on@
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Postby nixsolutyuk » Thu Sep 01, 2016 9:39 am

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